What is G1

The easy way for you to distinguish the difference between real and fake news. We are functioning as a non-biased news source in which Artificial Intelligence will find the difference between real and fake news and give a badge rating off of how legitimate it is.

Not a website

The purple badge signifies that the website is not a real website.

Highly Trusted

The AI verifies that the applicant is highly valid in the news, and can be highly trusted.

Mostly Trusted

The website can be seen as mostly trusted however can contain a little to no factual errors

Somewhat Trusted

The AI detects that the website is somewhat trusted, meaning it isn't fully accurate.

Could be trusted

The AI detects that the new sources are incorrect the majority of the time.


The AI verifies that the applicant is mostly invalid in the news, and can not be trusted.

"How does this work?"

This is a Google Chrome extension (soon coming to mobiles as well!) in which verifies every article that you see and read, it will give the user a rating on whether on not the news article is real or fake, it is based on a colour scale starting with red to be the fake news and going upward to blue, which is the real news. The badge will be purple if the AI notices anything wrong with the website, as if it doesn't exist (or a wifi error), to warn you. Every page is verified in real time so you will never find an unverified page.

"Is this biased?"

Not at all! Before we publish any news articles on our social media accounts our AI verify whether or not our media is accurate or a sham. We are basing our first impressions upon the previous reputations of the sources.

Join Us

We are looking for assistance with beta testing, as well as looking for volunteers if you are looking for ways to contact us, press the contact us button on the navigation bar or scroll down.

Contact Us

By sending us emails giving us crashes and bugs, our Artificial Intelligence can find the issue and learn from its mistake, expanding our knowledge, we can learn from our AI in many ways!.